Water is a life elixir and the most important module for life at all. One of the few things which cannot be substituted. For all organisms living on this planet. An adult converts about 2,5 litre of water. If the supply of water is not sufficient, the biochemical actions cannot run smoothly and the effects on health are dramatic. About one litre of water is included in food and unconsciously consumed. The rest has to be taken in via drinking. The amount depends on the body weight and activity.
Water fulfils numerous functions in the body: It works as a solvent, a means of transport that supplies cells with minerals and eliminate toxic elements via the kidney. A shortage of water leads to devastating damages in the human organism in a relatively short time. Blood becomes thick, less liquid and does not flow easily through the veins and its functions are hampered by this slow flowing. A deficit of water also brings forward diseases of the urinal passage, such as kidney stones.